Basic Usage#

Consider the following Moonscript class:

class MyClass
   new: (n)=>
       @mice = n
   add: (n)=>
       @mice = @mice + n
       "There are now #{@mice} mice!"

Assuming the file is on your package search path, luaC_pushclass() will be able to find it.

lua_State *L = luaL_newstate();

// need to open Lua libraries before we use moonauxlib.h

luaC_pushclass(L, "MyClass");

// leaves a copy of the class on the stack which can be modified or removed
assert(luaC_isclass(L, -1));
lua_pop(L, 1);

The class can be constructed by name using luaC_construct(). Its methods can also be called by name using luaC_mcall() and luaC_pmcall().

lua_pushnumber(L, 6);
luaC_construct(L, 1, "MyClass");  // leaves a MyClass object on the stack
assert(luaC_isobject(L, -1));
assert(luaC_isinstance(L, -1, "MyClass"));

lua_pushnumber(L, 1);
luaC_mcall(L, "add", 1, 1);
moonL_print(L, -1);  // prints "There are now 7.0 mice!"

return 0;